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How to biohack on a budget

Biohacker and nutritionist Camilla Thompson discusses the elusive world of biohacking, her recent US trip to biohacking founder Dave Asprey’s global convention and how you can hack your health on a budget.

Camilla Thompson beat mould toxicity with biohacks

Biohacker and nutritionist Camilla Thompson shares how she beat mould toxicity with biohacks, why biohacking is for all of us (and not just tech billionaires), plus she gives a few simple biohacks we can all do.

Camilla Thompson on Mould Safe Living

Join wellness expert Camilla Thompson in this insightful episode as she dives into the essentials of mould safe living, nutrition, and overall health.

Unlocking Potential: The Latest Trends in Biohacking for Women Aged 18-25

If you’re aged between 18 and 25, getting old might not be on your radar. After all, it seems so far away. But the ‘so yesterday’ trends of botox and vampire facials are making way for a new trend for those savvy enough to beat their BFFL to revolutionise their health – biohacking – a transformative movement resonating with Gen Zs and Millennials.